Incontro con i vincitori del premio Cartesio 2007

SynNanoMotors – The Realisation of Some of the World’s First Working Synthetic Molecular Motors and Mechanical Nanomachine

Venerdì 12 Giugno, a seguito della cerimonia della consegna delle licenze del Collegio Superiore delle 17.00, nella Sala dell’VIII Centenario presso il Rettorato, Via Zamboni 33, ci incontreremo con i vincitori Bolognesi dell’edizione 2007 del Premio Descartes, Francesco Zerbetto e Fabio Biscarini, introdotti dal dott. Paolo Annibale, Presidente dell’Associazione.

The Descartes Prize for Transnational Collaborative Research has been awarded annually since 2000 by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research.

The Prize is open to any transnational research team that has achieved outstanding scientific or technological results through collaborative research in any field of science, including economics, social sciences and humanities. Nominated research teams must involve at least one research entity from a European Union Member State.
For the 2007 edition of the Prize, the three research laureate teams will share € 1 360 000.

Nominations for Descartes Prizes may be submitted by the scientific team themselves or by public or private organisations, such as research centres, foundations or universities.

The Prize is open to all collaborative research whether funded via a European Community Research programme or not.